Treatment Fees

Teeth Straightening Packages

Teeth Straightening PackageTeeth Straightening Package CostInitial PaymentMonthly Payments
Child (7 - 12 years old)Invisalign Palatal Expander and Angel Aligner Kids$5,500$500$399
Teenager (13 - 18 years old)Angel Aligner Clear Aligner (Unlimited) and Angel Aligner Retainer$5,000$850$399
Adult (19 years old onwards)Angel Aligner Aligner (Unlimited) and Angel Aligner Retainer$5,300$850$399

General Consultation and Check Up Cost

Orthodontic Consultation$19.60
X-rays (Lat-Ceph)$68.00
Treatment Planning$50
Dental Monitoring Scanbox Remote Monitoring Device$135

Angel Aligner Cost

Angel Aligner Select 10$1,700 - $2,750
Angel Aligner Select 20$3,000 - $4,000
Angel Aligner Select 30$4,500 - $5,000
Angel Aligner Unlimited$5,500 - $6,000
Angel Aligner Pro$6,000 - $6,500

Invisalign for Children Cost

Invisalign Palatal Expander (IPE)$1,900 - $2,500
Invisalign First$4,900 - $5,500

Invisalign Cost

Invisalign Treatment Planning$300
Invisalign Express$3,000 - $4,500
Invisalign Lite$4,500 - $5,500
Invisalign Moderate$5,500 - $6,500
Invisalign Comprehensive$6,500 - $9,500

OneSmile Clear Aligners Cost

OneSmile Express$2,100 - $3,000
OneSmile Lite$3,000 - $4,500
OneSmile Moderate$4,700 - $5,000
OneSmile Comprehensive (3 Years Unlimited)$5,000 - $6,100
OneSmile Comprehensive (5 Years Unlimited)$6,100 - $6,500

Smartee Clear Aligners Cost

Smartee GS$6,000 - $9,000

Clear Retainers Cost

Angel Aligner Clear Retainers (3 Sets)$300
Zendura Retainers (3 Sets)$500
Vivera Clear Retainers (3 Sets)$980

Mouthguard and Nightguard Cost

Custom-Made Mouthguard$300

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about treatment and clear aligner costs at kohedental.

Why are dentists so expensive in Singapore?

The cost of going to a dentist in Singapore is considered more costly than other countries in Southeast Asia because of a few reasons: 

  • The cost of premise rental;
  • The cost of procuring high-quality materials and equipment;
  • The higher fees levied on certain dental supplies and equipment;
  • The cost of manpower labour;
  • The experience of the dentist or dental specialist.

To reduce the cost of your dental treatments, there are some great ways to ensure that your dental bills do not burn a hole in your pocket: 

  • Always check to see whether your corporate insurance or benefits is able to cover dental treatment;
  • Visit a dentist for preventative maintenance checks and dental cleaning at least once a year to prevent unnecessary dental problems;
  • Do your own due diligence and search for dental clinics that are known for price transparency, cost efficiency while maintaining high-quality standards in both treatment and care.

How much do I have to pay for a dental consultation at kohe™ Dental?

The cost of a dental consultation at kohe™ Dental is $5.70. We are a GST-free dental clinic with a focus on straightening teeth with clear aligners.

The cost of consultation also includes the following:

  • Virtual consult with a dentist or orthodontist;
  • Consultation and assessment in-clinic;
  • X-rays (Lat-Ceph); 
  • 3D Scans
  • Treatment planning (if you decide to proceed with treatment).

We have made our dental fees as low as possible to ensure that orthodontic dental care can be more accessible for all.

How much does it cost to do Invisalign treatment in Singapore?

The average cost of Invisalign in Singapore is around $3,800 – $9,800. 

This cost range usually does not include the following: 

  • Consultation;
  • X-rays (Lat-Ceph);
  • Treatment planning; 
  • Tooth extraction (if necessary);
  • Dental cleaning to get rid of plaque and tartar and to ensure good gum health before treatment commences;
  • Retainers to retain the function and form of your smile post-treatment.

If you are considering taking up Invisalign treatment in Singapore, but are worried about the cost of treatment, there are a few ways to defray your cost:

  • Check whether your company has an existing partnership scheme with Invisalign for rebates;
  • Check whether your corporate insurance or benefits is able to cover Invisalign treatment;
  • Visit a dental clinic that is upfront about their costs and treatment fees before, during and after treatment;
  • Choose an alternative clear aligner brand that is more affordable but has the same quality standards as Invisalign.

Why is Angel Aligner cheaper than Invisalign?

Angel Aligner is cheaper than Invisalign because of the following reasons: 

  • Lower lab fees;
  • No treatment planning costs; 
  • Economies of scale. Angel Aligner manufactures a large number of clear aligner cases, which reduces their overall cost of production.

The factors above translates to reduced treatment costs for patients like yourself. 

If you are looking to further reduce the cost of your Angel Aligner treatment, you can look for an exclusive clear aligner dedicated centre like kohe™ Dental. 

Dedicated clear aligner centres are able to offer preferential rates for patients because of their unique focus on clear aligners. 

How much would my clear aligner treatment cost at kohe™ Dental?

Most patients who visit kohe™ are patients with mild to moderate teeth alignment issues. 

If your dental alignment concerns fall within the moderate range, the cost for moderate alignment issues usually start from $3,500 for Angel Aligners and $5,800 for Invisalign. 

Depending on the brand of clear aligners you decide to take up, the complexity of your teeth alignment issues as well as the pre-treatments you require, your cost of clear aligners treatment will differ. 

If you would like a more accurate estimate on your cost of treatment, you can take the pre-assessment (a virtual consult with a dentist or orthodontist), or reach out to us.

Still have questions?

Not able to find the answers you are looking for? Chat with our patient coordinator.