Invisalign Palatal Expanders (IPE): What Are They And How Do They Work?

Palatal expanders, like that of the Invisalign palatal expander (IPE) have been used in orthodontic treatment for decades to correct a narrow upper jaw. A narrow upper jaw usually results in crossbites, overcrowding and other dental conditions. 

Most traditional palatal expanders look like you have entered a horror movie. They resemble a metal trap contraception held on by screws, and can be pretty uncomfortable to use and look at. Traditional palatal expanders work by inserting a key in the centre hole to crank the screw of the palatal expander daily. This process can be stress-inducing and difficult for some patients – especially young children. 

There is a modern alternative available for traditional palatal expanders if you require upper jaw expansion. Invisalign offers a removable palatal expander that is custom-fitted to your upper jaw. It is not held on by metal or screws, and does not require turning a screw everyday to expand your jaw. Instead of tightening the screw, you simply remove the removable palatal expander and swap it out for the next set.

Invisalign Palatal Expander (IPE) - kohe Dental

If you or your child have been advised on taking up palatal expander treatment, and are trying to find out more about palatal expanders and modern approaches to palatal expanders, this article will be a must-read. I will break down what palatal expanders are, how they work and what you should expect when taking up palatal expanders. 

What Are Palatal Expanders? 

Traditional Palatal Expanders - kohe Dental

A palatal expander is a non-invasive treatment used in the field of orthodontics to widen the upper jaw, which is called a maxilla. This is so that the bottom and upper teeth will fit together. 

The orthodontic device is usually used on younger children as a step before early-intervention orthodontic treatment, but in certain cases, on adults who require more space for teeth (overcrowding) or alignment of both upper and lower teeth. This device can also be used to correct obstructive sleep apnea as well. 

Palatal expander treatment does not correct the alignment of your teeth like braces or clear aligners. What it does, however, is to expand your palate to improve your upper and lower teeth bite. The treatment usually takes from a few weeks to up to 12 months. It is usually a pre-treatment to further orthodontic treatment like braces or clear aligners

How Do Palatal Expanders Work?

Palatal expanders work by gradually expanding the width of your jaw to accommodate for more space. The palatal expander applies gentle and steady force to each side of the palate which slowly shifts the palate apart. 

This process widens your palate, and prevents dental overcrowding and crossbites that can result in the development of other dental conditions. 

What Is The Difference Between Traditional Palatal Expanders and Invisalign Palatal Expanders? 

Fixed vs Removable

Traditional palatal expanders are made of metal and built to work through a screw-and-key tightening process. These expanders are fixed. Fixed palatal expanders cannot be removed until treatment is done. This poses a huge problem when having meals as food gets lodged between the palatal expanders. It can also be difficult to clean between the palatal expander after each meal. 

Invisalign palatal expanders are removable, just like clear aligners. They are meant to be worn throughout the day, even during meals. However, unlike the traditional palatal expander, it can be removed for cleaning. This makes it extremely easy to brush and floss normally as well, as all you have to do is pop it out before proceeding with your oral hygiene routine. 

Screws vs Swapping for New Set

One of the most common complaints about traditional palatal expanders is that it is difficult and stressful to tighten the expanders, especially if the palatal expanders are on a child. It is necessary to turn the screws to facilitate expansion of your jaw. Each turn of the screw is equivalent to about a millimetre in expansion. 

The Invisalign palatal expanders has made it so easy to expand the palate that a child can do it on their own, no matter what their age is. All they have to do is swap out the Invisalign palatal expander every day and pop it in and out on their own. Each stage moves up to 0.25mm. 

Uncomfortable vs More Comfortable

Traditional palatal expanders look and feel uncomfortable. They can be viewed as the epitome of the saying “Beauty is pain.” This is because the metal expanders are not customised to fit to your jaw and unique anatomy. While the expanders work, they play a straightforward role in fulfilling a functional process but not an ergonomic one. 

The Invisalign palatal expanders are built to be more comfortable. Each expander is 3D printed based on the unique anatomy of your child. It features details like a smoother lingual surface, customised palatal coverage with thickness that is suitable for your child and a handle for easy removal. 

Need for Unplanned Dental Visits vs Reduced Dental Visits

Because of the way traditional palatal expanders are built to work, there are frequent emergency trips to the dentist or orthodontist for assistance in turning or tightening the screws. The risk of irritation is also high because of the abrasion between the palatal expander and the upper jaw. In some instances, demineralisation of hard tissues and inflammation of the palate and gums can arise because of the nature of the appliance. 

Invisalign palatal expanders do not have metal or screws. They are made to be swapped out every day or at the frequency advised on by your dentist or orthodontist. This minimises the risk of having to do emergency visits to your dentist or orthodontist. The removable nature of the Invisalign palatal expanders also prevents risk of inflammation and irritation. 

Why Should I Expand The Palate of My Child? 

Expanding the palate of your child earlier on can help correct a wide range of dental issues like misalignment and dental crowding. 

The palatal expander is a tried-and-tested method of successfully correcting and widening the width of the upper jaw. Early intervention through the palatal expander can reduce the need for extensive orthodontic treatment and/or oral surgery later in life. 

What Can The Invisalign Palatal Expanders Do For My Child? 

Invisalign palatal expanders can help your child achieve the following benefits: 

  • Affordable cost to expand palate and achieve more room for teeth, 
  • Prevent possible dental problems and future complex dental treatment costs, 
  • Align the upper and bottom teeth before proceeding with orthodontic treatment like braces, Invisalign First or Angel Aligner
  • Less pain and anxiety compared to traditional palatal expanders, 
  • Decreased complications and dental irritation, 
  • Less dental visits and time spent with the dentist or orthodontist. 

What age should my child get Invisalign palatal expanders?

The ideal age for your child to get Invisalign palatal expanders is from the age of around 7 to 12 years old. The palate expands quite rapidly. It is easier to shape the palate when the palate has not yet solidified. 

When a child gets older or has reached puberty, the palate structure solidifies and becomes harder to widen. 

Invisalign Palatal Expanders Patient Journey 

Should you wish to proceed with Invisalign palatal expanders for your child, this is what a typical patient journey with kohe™ Dental will look like. 

Pre-Assessment: Concerns and conditions assessment 

A virtual pre-assessment will be held with our clear aligner dentists to find out about the concerns that you have for your child. 

This pre-assessment is not an official consultation or diagnosis of your child. The pre-assessment is done to help the dentist understand the current oral condition of your child as well as their needs, before an in-clinic consultation is done. 

During the pre-assessment, our dentists will also run through possible treatment costs and how the patient journey will look like for your child. 

In-person consultation: 3D scans 

During the consultation, our clear aligner dentists will work with you to find out whether your child is suitable for Invisalign palatal expanders. Our dentists will take X-rays as well as a 3D intraoral scan and submit scans for a prescription. 

2nd Visit: Attachments bonding and insertion of Invisalign palatal expander 

The second visit starts the first step of the palatal expansion journey for your child. Attachments will be bonded to the teeth of your child to hold the palatal expander. You will also be collecting the Invisalign palatal expander for your child. 

Our dentist will also insert the IPE into your child and run through a list of key information that can help you achieve the desired treatment outcome. 

Invisalign palatal expanders expand the upper jaw, and can be ideal in expanding jaw width to reduce future dental conditions.

Invisalign palatal expanders are orthodontic devices used to widen the upper jaw, addressing issues like crossbites, open bites and overcrowding. While traditional expanders are fixed metal appliances requiring manual adjustment, Invisalign offers a modern alternative with removable, custom-fitted expanders. 

These newer devices are more comfortable, easier to clean, and do not require screw tightening. Ideal for children aged 7-12, early intervention with palatal expanders can prevent more severe future dental problems and reduce the need for extensive orthodontic treatment later in life. The Invisalign palatal expander treatment process typically involves a pre-assessment, in-person consultation with 3D scans, and a follow-up visit for attachment bonding and expander insertion. This innovative approach offers a more patient-friendly solution to palate expansion, potentially reducing discomfort, anxiety, and the frequency of dental visits compared to traditional methods.