Interproximal reduction (IPR) is the process of shaving off a superficial layer of enamel from the sides of your tooth. It is also known as slenderization, or enamel stripping. This process is done when you take up clear aligner treatment – whether it is with Invisalign or Angel Aligner.
The common reaction I get from many of my patients when I tell them about IPR is a look of disgust, fear and shock. However, I promise that is not as scary as it sounds. I like to describe it as more of a “weight loss treatment” for your tooth – it is still going to look the same, it is definitely still going to feel the same, just a teensy weensy bit slimmer.
If you have been trawling the internet and Tik Tok hard enough, you might have seen what veneer preps look like when people go to Turkey for a brand new smile with a mouth full of veneers. Their teeth look grinded down to little stubs, and every tooth looks like a little vampire fang.
Let me be the first to assure you that IPR is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like that. In fact, it is not even close.
What Does InterProximal Reduction (IPR) Do?

So picture this. Each tooth in your mouth is like a car in a parking lot. Your parking lot is really messy now. Cars are parked all over in all directions, just jammed into the parking lot. And now you have come to me, to help you get all your cars neatly parked in rows, in your parking lot.
Now if I take a look at your parking lot and see that your parking lot is not big enough to accommodate that many cars, I would tell you to remove some cars so that the remaining cars can be neatly parked as you wanted.
But there is also another scenario. Your parking lot might be able to accommodate all your cars neatly if each car took up a bit less space. This might need rearranging the gaps between each car or changing some of your cars from an SUV to a hatchback.
You see the analogy?
IPR is prescribed by your dentist or orthodontist as part of your customized treatment plan, in order to help you achieve the desired end results. It either helps to create or reduce the spaces between your teeth in order to help facilitate tooth movement.
Do I Really Need InterProximal Reduction (IPR)?

Not every tooth will have to undergo IPR. It depends on the size of your parking lots (the gaps between your teeth).
If you prefer NOT to do any IPR, do let your dentist or orthodontist know, so that they can check and discuss the possibility of alternatives for you.
Everybody has different types of parking lots or teeth. Everybody has different numbers and sizes of cars in their parking lots too. There are no parking lots in this world that are exactly the same. Talking to your dentist or orthodontist more about this would be best.
Is InterProximal Reduction (IPR) Painful?
InterProximal Reduction (IPR) is not painful, but it does cause some tooth sensitivity and slight discomfort.
While it might not be the most pleasant experience, thankfully most IPR sessions take about 10 to 15 minutes. Your dentist or orthodontist will do IPR with polishing strips, polishing discs, or a thin drill.
Can InterProximal Reduction (IPR) Damage Teeth?
The answer to this is “No!”
Returning to the car analogy, IPR is like downsizing your SUV to a hatchback.
Both are great cars that are going to take you safely to your final destination. No one will look at the change in cars and go: Hey, wait a minute… That does not look like a car.
Similarly, teeth that have been IPR-ed are still the same tooth. It is going to look and feel exactly as it did, and does not cause any long term damage or side effects to your tooth.
Generally, the maximum amount of IPR your dentist or orthodontist is going to prescribe for you at each site is 0.5mm. This is pretty much the same as shaving hair off your forearms.
Your forearm may feel a little cold and naked at first, but after a while it gets used to it. Your tooth may feel a tiny bit sensitive after IPR, but these side effects usually go away within a day or two.
The only downside of doing IPR, is that there will be a small temporary gap between your teeth, until the aligners close that gap. Sometimes, these gaps trap food during meals. However, because of the removable nature of clear aligners, it is easy to just remove them to brush and floss as you would normally do without clear aligners.
If you have been prescribed InterProximal Reduction (IPR), it can help you make or reduce space for teeth movement.
There is nothing to worry about if you have been prescribed InterProximal Reduction (IPR). IPR can help speed up your treatment as it makes or reduces space between your teeth. This gives your teeth the sufficient space to move into the desired position.
Not everyone requires IPR, but if you do but are worried about sensitivity, pain, or the long-term impact, inform your dentist or orthodontist and they will be able to guide you through the entire process!